Friday, November 11, 2011

SQL Family is...

...not having to explain what your job is when you tell someone you're a DBA
...being a more valuable asset to a company because of the readiness of others to share their expertise
...meeting a friend for the first time in person
...having a shoulder to lean on when things get tough
...knowing there is someone out there who has encountered this problem before and they are willing to share their experience
...discovering new things about people you've known for years and that you share some common backgrounds (I recently learned that both Kendal and I served as Corps Commander for our respective ROTC groups in High School)
...never worrying about walking around Seattle alone
...never eating dinner alone
...knowing that if you screw up, there will be people there to let you know it but they will also get you to the right answer back and paying forward where and when you can

(This post written in the tradition of the Love Is... comics which I always enjoyed reading and now have been sharing them with my children)

Thank you to Thomas LaRock for another great #memeMonday theme!